
Prayer Starter Kit

Prayer Starter Kit

Prayer can be a two-way conversation with God every day of our lives. But maybe you struggle with feeling like you’re just listing complaints, regrets or your wish lists.

The Prayer Starter Kit was created to help you start praying or find a fresh approach to talking with God.

If you find it helpful, why not share it with someone you care about?

Lifestyle of Prayer

God's Wonderful Plan for Prayer

God's Wonderful Plan for Prayer

The purpose, the process, and the power of prayer.

Born In Prayer

Born In Prayer

Vonette Bright shares the story of how Cru was born in prayer. 

A Way of Life

A Way of Life

What are you doing in your life to develop the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ?

Living a Life of Prayer

Living a Life of Prayer

Prayer is a focus of Carl’s life. He serves as the prayer chaplain at World Headquarters of Cru.

More Articles on Prayer

Multiplying My Life Through Others

The Holy Spirit prompts each of us in unique ways. His infinite power is unleashed as we come together and agree in prayer with one another!

Seven Reasons to Pray

This article is an unapologetic attempt to motivate... ME! Yes, me. Because if anybody needs help in getting motivated to pray, it’s yours truly.

Praying with Confidence

How to tap into God's power.



Invitation to Intimacy

Here we will look at prayer as the chief way to build a love relationship with God. 

Humility and Prayer

The role of humility in prayer.

Praying in Community

Extremely practical how’s and why’s for living out our faith in community. 

Why Host a Prayer Meeting?

Ever wonder why you should gather to pray with others? See what the Bible has to say.

How to Host a Prayer Meeting

Hosting a prayer meeting may be easier than you think.

10 Ideas for Your Prayer Meeting

Try using these ideas to jump-start your prayer meeting.

The Power of Fervent Prayer

This study discusses the importance of persistence and fervency in prayer.

Prayer Walking

A discussion on the powerful dynamic of praying on-site with God's sight.

Starting a Prayer Chain

Some basic how-to's on starting a prayer chain.

The Gospel and Prayer

How the gospel brings the possibility of passion and delight in praising and approaching God.

How Do We Respond to the Gospel?

David Platt talks about "the sinner's prayer" and biblical response to the gospel. Is raising your hand and repeating a prayer bad? How do we respond if we don't pray a prayer? 

Why is Prayer So Hard?

Why is Prayer So Hard?

We have this powerful, superior weapon, and yet we don’t always use it.

When God Seems Silent

We are not always going to hear God's voice, but we can learn a few practical things to do when God seems silent.

Does Nature Make You Pray?

Does Nature Make You Pray?

Using prayer prompts from everyday life can refresh how we pray for our family, our world and ourselves.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Practical, usable information and insight into the waging of a winning warfare.

Does God Always Answer Prayer?

Does God Always Answer Prayer?

What to do when God isn’t moving the way you hope or expect.

Character Traits to Pray for This Year

Character Traits to Pray for This Year

This year, pray that God would grow your character through the following 12 traits. Pray for a different character trait each month and journal about the changes you see God developing in you throughout the year.

What's the Difference Between a Wish and a Prayer?

What's the Difference Between a Wish and a Prayer?

When does a desire for a specific outcome turn into a prayer? What keeps it from remaining a wish left to chance? The Bible has some things to say about this.

4 Questions For Anyone Struggling To Pray

4 Questions For Anyone Struggling To Pray

Since prayer is our main form of communication with God, prayer itself is the relationship. Here are 4 ways we can look at our relationships with people to learn about our relationship with God. 

We Should Have Listened to the Ranger's Warning

We Should Have Listened to the Ranger's Warning

A new believer’s faith is strengthened when prayer helps his group avoid an encounter with a bear.

How to Pray for Every Person on Earth

How to Pray for Every Person on Earth

“My prayers were full of my worries, my problems, my needs and desires. I was so obsessed with myself I could barely enjoy God and pray for others. It was convicting to say the least.”


Fasting Starter Kit

Fasting Starter Kit

Use this resource kit to help guide your fast. Here you’ll find tips, recipes, devotional materials and even a free e-book to help draw you closer to God during your fast.

7 Steps to Fasting

7 Steps to Fasting

How you begin and conduct your fast will largely determine your success. By following these seven basic steps to fasting, you will make your time with the Lord more meaningful and spiritually rewarding.

Personal Guide to Prayer & Fasting

Personal Guide to Prayer & Fasting

Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all the Christian disciplines. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life.

Pray for the World

There are 5 billion people in the world who don’t know a true follower of Christ. We are trusting God to raise up 10 million Christ-centered multiplying disciples and 5 million new church plants by end of 2020. 10 million disciples and 5 million new churches would mean that everyone would know at least one person who follows Jesus.



There are a lot of people who don’t know Jesus, don’t know the love of God, and don’t have their salvation secured. As followers of Christ called to the Great Commission, that means we have a lot of work to do.


How to Pray for the Future

How to Pray for the Future

Join us in praying for 10 million, Christ-centered multiplying disciples.




A Heart Molded By Prayer

A Heart Molded By Prayer

How would your molded heart delight others and the Lord?

How to Pray for the Persecuted Church

Everyday 300 people are killed for their faith in Jesus. Here are practical suggestions for how you can pray for and support persecuted believers.

Great Commission Prayer

Petitionary prayer is too frequently addressed in the wrong way. The problem lies in a misunderstanding of prayer’s nature and our practice will never have great persistence until our outlook has clarity.

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