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Daily devotionals written by Dr. Bill Bright that highlight the promises in God's Word. It provides a verse to ponder, a suggested passage of scripture to read, and a daily action point.
God has hardwired each of us to experience Him in our own unique ways.
Maybe you’re not the resolution type, but consider joining me to establish daily, Christ-centered patterns. All it takes is a little decluttering to start strengthening your quiet time.
He said, “If you want to say you know God, then you need to know God’s story. And if you want to know God’s story, you have to read the entire thing. Knowing God means knowing his story.”
Do you just read your Bible to make you feel better? What happens when it doesn’t?
Every follower of Christ that I know desires unhurried time with God. But why does it seem like that is the one thing that is most often and most easily neglected?
Here are 3 specific ways journaling can help you connect with God.
What began as a game for me, developed into a habit which amazingly transformed into quality time with my Friend.
It seems like we are stuck with a choice between knowing God and serving God. Life is simply busy. With work, school, relationships, and ministry involvement, finding time to simply spend with God can be quite difficult.
When one is studying a passage of Scripture, a basic but helpful pattern to follow is the threefold process of observation, interpretation, and application.
Seeking God when your life affords neither quiet nor time.
The need to withdraw, the right perspective, and suggestions on what to do.
Did you know it’s misinformed to think of the Gospels as just biographies or a collection of Jesus vignettes? Or that we bypass the true intent of the Gospel authors? Like a trusty compass, Reading the Gospels Wisely helps to orient us.
Has your daily quiet time grown stale? Ask God to show you how to make the most of your time with Him.
Popular author Donald Miller on the power and importance of story.
On June 27 Join the Applause takes place across the world. Simply go outside and watch the sunset, praising your Creator however you want.
"Aware of the privilege of watching God’s creation unfold its glorious mysteries, I didn’t want to miss a millisecond."
Have you ever stopped to look at a sunset and the thought of God's biggness and great love never seemed more clear? What if we used his great creation to share the gospel?
"Looking up, I realized I had been transported somewhere otherworldly."
Getting back to the authentic light in our relationship with Christ.
Published by and for Lifelines (the outdoor ministry of Cru), this beautifully designed document is an essential companion for spending time in nature, reminding people how Creation reflects the glory of the Creator.
How do we press pause for a chunk of time? How do we find time to reflect on what’s important, to think clearly and communicate with God? How do we find a way to just experience God?
All creation reflects something about the creator, and I believe the best art comes from deeply personal places. Visual artists mold, paint, sculpt, draw, or design their hopes, dreams and desires.
Cru President Steve Douglass gives advice for the new year.
The life of the Christian is one of continual repentance and belief, without which we slip into a boss/employee, earn/wage, work/rights relationship with our God. It then becomes the loving responsibility for each of us to run gospel diagnostics to determine whether or not what motivates our actions is “in step” with the gospel.
The InTransition Workbook equips and prepares graduating seniors to transition to post-graduation life and make an impact for Christ in the world.
Ready for life after college? This is a 21-Day Devotional on seeking God’s will in life decisions.
How do people interpret life? When our world doesn’t make sense, what gives us clarity? What do we use to understand our circumstances, especially when things get rough?
The older I get, the more I realize that my heart needs daily examination.
After becoming the object of a city-wide search, I realize the spiritual connection in finding something of value that was lost.
Experience Christian freedom instead of living your Christian life based on what used to be true about you.
Morbid as it may seem, autumn really is about death. And God repeats this pattern in you and me.
A 5-part devotional divining into good, evil, free will and God’s design for mankind.
In Mike Breen’s Leading Kingdom Movements, he compares four steps emergency workers follow when determining priorities in a disaster or emergency with our role as the church in helping triage the broken world.
Why doubt is not necessarily a road-block to deep faith.
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." Mark Charles tells three stories that help us be still in the midst of a hectic culture.
Making decisions, both big and small, can be difficult. These 4 practical tips might help you make your next choice.
In Genesis 3, Moses records the fall and its immediate effects. In particular he shows three completely novel and deeply negative experiences that would forever accompany mankind: guilt, shame, and fear.
In Wonderstruck, Margaret invites you to unearth the extraordinary moments in every day life, recognize the presence of God in the midst of your routine, and discover peace in knowing you’re wildly loved.
A young St. Francis had been calling on God as usual – then he heard a life-changing answer.
Pastor (and best-selling author) David Platt shares four simple, glorious truths from Isaiah 6 during his closing challenge to Cru staff at our 2011 US National Conference at CSU. Incredible stuff.
At different stages in the history of the Christian church there has been great focus on the teaching of the Second Coming of Jesus. Jesus clearly states that no one will know the exact time and date of His return.
Jesus Without Religion paints a compelling portrait of Jesus and after finishing the book, the reader will clearly understand the words, works and claims of Jesus.
They waited on the mountain, one of the highest hills overlooking the Sea of Galilee. There wasn’t any question of being in the right place. They had met with Jesus there before. Jesus had sometimes prayed there. In James, John and Peter took them to the very spot where said Jesus had appeared in blazing white glory.
If you have ever honestly wrestled with your faith in God, then the following thoughts are for you.
What makes people do dangerous things? What does it look like for us to step out in faith boldly?
Contentment isn't about what happens to you, but about how you respond.
Courage in the big choices, begins and is the extension of courageous choices we make every day, or don’t. Courage to hear the truth about ourselves, courage to stand up for the truth and courage to proclaim the gospel.
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