What does the Bible mean when it says believers are “seated with Christ?” It’s pretty simple.
This article unpacks some of Cru’s most used teachings about the third person of the trinity and the Spirit-filled life of a Christian.
While we cannot fully understand everything about the Trinity (or anything else), it is possible to answer questions and come to a solid grasp of what it means for God to be three in one.
We longed to be home, but life had other plans. What I learned about God on a 4 a.m. trip to the airport.
Christianity is different than all other religions. Salvation comes through God’s grace through faith so no man can boast. Christianity is full of ironies, yet remains absolutely true. When we are weak, we are strong and consider it all joy when we face trials.
Like a funeral, heaven and hell can be nothing more than the pleasant or not-so-pleasant afterthoughts of our Christian life. But these two realities lie just beneath the words of every page of Scripture.
Neil Downey uses a Pillow Pet to explain how to display, declare, and demonstrate the gospel.
The Bible is clear about the exclusive claims of Jesus. Do we believe that what it says is true for everyone or just true for us?
Discipling others in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to give greater background and context to our understanding of the Holy Spirit's ministry, as a better understanding of these concepts will elevate the level of our teaching.
This chapter from the book “Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening” shows confession and repentance to be the spiritual keys that unlock both personal and global renewal and revival.
Clarity on who the Holy Spirit is and suggestions on an appropriate perspective on some issues that frequently arise when discussing the Holy Spirit.
This study will explore the riches of God’s grace in regard to the believers’ position in Christ.
It is impossible for us to know conclusively whether God exists and what He is like unless He takes the initiative and reveals Himself. We must scan the horizon of history to see if there is any clue to God’s revelation.
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.
Read about Cru’s Statement of Faith and other theological based studies to help you learn more about the nature of God.
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