Step 3: Be Filled with the Holy Spirit by Faith

Dr. Bill Bright

We are commanded to surrender our will to God's and to be filled by his Holy Spirit. Romans 12:1 states,

"I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is you spiritual service of worship."

Ephesians 5:18 commands,

"Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."

It is imperative that we remember God's command to us, and His promise. He commands, "Be filled"; He promises that if we ask anything according to God's will, He will hear and answer (I John 5:14,15).

Because God commands us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we can be sure that we are asking something that is according to His will for our lives.

And when we pray according to His will, He has promised to answer our requests.

Therefore, we can expect Him to fill and empower us when we sincerely desire to surrender the control of our lives to Him, and trust Him to fill us with His Spirit.

Then we must continue to breathe spiritually, "exhaling" by confession and "inhaling" by appropriating His forgiveness and power in our lives by faith.

When you yield to temptation and realize it, stop immediately and confess your sin. Then ask, by faith, to be re-filled by the Holy Spirit.

Do not rely on your feelings. Feelings add color and excitement and are a valuable part of life, but they are extremely fickle.

As Christians we must live by faith, trusting in God's faithfulness and the promises of His Word. If we depend on feelings for a confirmation of His working in our lives, we put ourselves in a dangerous position and will almost always be disappointed.

Walking in the Spirit, by faith, moment by moment is the only way to keep Christ on the throne and in control of our lives. And as self decreases and Christ increases (Galatians 2:20), the result will be a remarkable and satisfying growth, and an abundant Christian life.

Now that you've prepared your heart for witnessing, you can learn how to share your testimony and create common ground with others.

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