Discovering Your World

Dr. Bill Bright

The Importance of Prayer

Before sharing Christ with others spend time in prayer. Ask God to reveal to you one or more persons in your life who don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

As those names come to you, write them down. Make a commitment before God to build a stronger relationship with each person.

Be genuinely interested in the other person. Take time to listen and care about the difficulties they are experiencing.

Do things together. Go to a sports event, the market, or take a walk around the block.

Be pro-active, yet patient and loving. Never resort to high pressure, but actively and lovingly seek to bring others to faith in Jesus Christ.

Commit right now to spend time with the people on your list this week. Just a few minutes of heartfelt conversation could be enough. Don't put it off. They may be ready to receive Christ right now.

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