
How to Create Engaging Facebook Posts

Whether you're managing your ministry's Facebook page or just trying to post new content for your ministry partners, it is imperative that you keep up with trends in social media. Here are a few tips that can increase engagement and ease the stress of posting when creating content for your audience.

  1. Be a Weekend Warrior: According to a study by Buddy Media, the interaction rate for posts on weekends is 14.5% higher compared to weekday posts. The best part? Only 14% of all posts are published on Saturdays and Sundays. Facebook fans, the study says, like to use social media when they have down time, which is why the weekends have such high interaction rates.
  2. Facebook interaction should occur during “non-busy hours”: People are more likely to spend time perusing Facebook and interacting with page content when they're at home during non-busy hours, 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., according to Buddy Media.
  3. Only post one to two times a day: Brands posting just a few times a day see 19% higher interaction rates than those who post three or more times a day. The key is to not bombard fans with too many posts, as Facebook's News Feed Optimization often penalizes that.
  4. Keep it short: Posts with 80 characters or less receive 23% higher interaction than longer posts. Take time to figure out how to make posts concise.
  5. A Picture's Worth: When it comes to attachments, photos receive 39% higher interaction rates than an average post. Posts with links or videos tend to drive fewer likes, comments and shares on average, the report said.
  6. What do you think: Questions posted on Facebook are 29% of the posts on the social media site. Posts asking questions generate 92% higher comment rates than non-question posts. But be sure to ask the question at the end of the sentence.
  7. Ask fans to do something: Give your fans a call to action to do something. Posts with clear calls to action see interaction rates 48% higher than average. But don't be desperate. Using words such as “like,” or “share,” or “comment,” get flagged as clickbait and are penalized in Facebook's algorithm, meaning that Facebook will show your post to less people. Get creative and more personal with words like, “see” instead of “watch,” “tell a friend” instead of “share.”
  8. Make your social network site social: When fans take the action you've called them to – a comment, share, like – don't ignore it. Fans want to see you appreciate their interaction and see that the conversation goes two ways. A simple “Thanks!” goes a long way.

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