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Day 1

  • Graphic: Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Phil 2:3 #SelflessLeadership
    • Text: Many of us struggle to truly live out this verse. Join us this week as we explore a higher calling to lay down our pride for the sake of others. #SelflessLeadership
  • And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” – Mark 9:35 #SelflessLeadership
  • Are you willing to do whatever needs to be done regardless of your position or platform? #SelflessLeadership
  • Before you accept leadership, consider: "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much..." Luke 16:10 #SelflessLeadership
  • Can you respect a person who constantly brags about themselves? #SelflessLeadership
  • Article: “To lead is to serve; nothing more, nothing less.” #SelflessLeadership

Day 2

Day 3

  • "Faith moves mountains, love transforms hearts." – John Paul Warren #SelflessLeadership
  • "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." – Ephesians 4:32 #SelflessLeadership
  • “Spiritual leadership is moving people onto God’s agenda.” – Henry Blackaby #SelflessLeadership
  • Article: If the people you're leading feel used, you're missing the point.   #SelflessLeadership @epicmovement
  • “You can serve people without loving them but you cannot love people without serving them.” – Eric Swanson #SelflessLeadership

Day 4

  • "...Power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve." – John Stott #SelflessLeadership
  • "Leaders know there is a difference between conviction and stubbornness." - J. Oswald Sanders #SelflessLeadership
  • Are you building leaders or followers? Who could replace you tomorrow? #SelflessLeadership
  • Article: Left unchecked, these issues will destroy your leadership. #SelflessLeadership @GaryRunn

Day 5

Day 6

  • "Many who aspire to leadership fail because they have never learned to follow." – J. Oswald Sanders #SelflessLeadership
  • Do you care about people more for who they are than what they can do for you? #SelflessLeadership

Day 7

  • "Ask yourself: 'Where do I have influence?' Then ask: 'How can I give that spot away?’” – Josh Butler @butlerjosh #SelflessLeadership
  • Rather than feeling threatened, "secure servant leaders pray for five more Davids to join their team." - @kencochrum #SelflessLeadership
  • Optional Article:
    • Caption: If our self worth comes from anything or anyone other than Jesus, it creates anxiety and we will push that anxiety onto people we lead. 

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