Ready-to-Use Content

Loved Enough

Use this 7-day content to explore what it means to be loved enough on social media in the days leading up to and the day of Valentine's Day. We suggest using each of the bullet points for your Twitter account and choosing just one for your daily Facebook post. For graphics, go to our Facebook album page and search through our photo albums to find the verse or quote that matches the day's graphic.

Steps for posting during the Loved Enough Campaign

Step 1: Check the content calendar to see what to post for the day.  (Calendar and graphics posted below)

Step 2: Download the appropriate graphic for the day or find the appropriate link to share on Cru’s social media page.

Step 3: Upload the graphic on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  If a link, click the share (or retweet for Twitter) button.  

Step 4: Copy and paste the blurb that goes along with each graphic or link above the content in the memo line.

Step 5: Don’t forget to include #lovedenough.

Step 6: Hit post and let the campaign take off!

Dates and Content for posting

Below are the dates to post each graphic and link.  Each graphic is labeled with the date which it will be posted.  We have also attached the blurb we would like you to add to each post.  So for each day, find the appropriate graphic or link, add the blurb attached to that day along with #LovedEnough and post.  

Feb 8

  • Graphic - “Faith or trust finds its fulfillment through sight. Hope is realized when the hoped-for object comes into one’s possession. Love, however, is constant. #LovedEnough”
  • Spiritual Conversation Starter

Feb 9

  • Graphic - “It is the glory of a righteous person not to judge and criticize others. Take time today to be that righteous person in the lives of those around you. Show them that they are #LovedEnough”
  • Can we really find true love?

Feb 10

  • Graphic- “We may think God seems far off, but God let's us know that He is the God of love, mercy and goodness. He is never too far. #LovedEnough”
  • Spiritual Conversation Starter

Feb 11

  • Graphic - “God loves his people as he does his Son, and he loved him before the foundation of the world. Take a moment to think about the gravity of that love. #LovedEnough”
  • Spiritual Conversation Starter

Feb 12

  • Graphic - “It was God's love, not our merit, that gave us the gift of Jesus Christ and eternity with Him. #LovedEnough”
  • Spiritual Conversation Starter

Feb 13

  • Graphic - “We do not have to confess our sins to an intermediary or priest. We do, however, have the right to confess sins to mature Christian leaders. #LovedEnough”
  • Spiritual Conversation Starter

Feb 14

  • Graphic - “What greater love is there in this world than the love of our God? #LovedEnough
  • Do you believe you are loved enough? #lovedenough

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