Using Social Media for Ministry

Google Plus 101

Many people have pushed Google+ aside and with good reason, it's been dubbed a “ghost town” platform by social media scholars, but there's still worth in this platform.

Google+ has more followers than you may think, equaling the number of users of Twitter and more than LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram, according to the Forbes article “Why Every Marketer Should Use Google Plus.” And because it is a Google-supported platform links and information on the social media site rank higher in searches through Google.

Using Google+ will allow users to build a follower base and use the platform to promote their ministry, their resources and even glean information for themselves as well.

  1. Your About Page: The About page of your account holds great opportunities to give a quick overview of yourself or your ministry. You can also link to specific pages and services from your About page, so be sure to use keywords and relevant links.
  2. Connect with Your Audience: Through this social media platform you can send out customized invitations to anyone, regardless of whether they are Google+ users. You can send out invites to webinars, work functions, letters to discuss MPD, parties, etc.
  3. Post Often: Google’s Social Search results are more relevant when they take into account your social connections. That is why it’s important to include keywords within your posts so they show up in your followers’ search results.
  4. Don’t just post, promote: Your post are more valuable when you attach and image, video or web link to the text. Include the +1 button on your blog or website so readers can easily recommend your content.
  5. Post timely and relevant content: Your Google+ strategy might be very different from your Twitter and Facebook marketing strategies. While Facebook works better for keeping in touch with your audience, Google+ gives you the unique chance to reach people who would never find you when posting to the “Public” circle. Unlike Facebook, anyone on Google+ can have a chance to see your content when its “Public.”
  6. Set up Google Authorship: Google is aggressively using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits to entice webmasters and bloggers to engage with Google+. Google Authorship is how Google authenticates and will begin to “trust” you as a quality source of content.
  7. Find Relevant Users: The best thing you can do is engage in the relevant conversations that are taking place and add value when doing so. The success of your Google+ page will be a direct result of how you engage.

Why use Google Plus?

  1. You can target your content: You can target your content similar to how you target your personal communications with family, friends, co-workers, etc. Google+ allows you to categorize and target groups through your circles to share specific posts, making that share more targeted and effective.
  2. Google services are integrated: This platform serves as an important source of achieving high SEO – after all, Google’s search engine is built on the premise that content with more sites linking back to it deserves to be ranked higher.

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